Friday, December 6, 2019

Relationship In Between Personality and Job Performance

Question: Describe about the Relationship In Between Personality and Job Performance. Answer: In the recent time, personality has gained more importance in an organization. It is only due to the individual job performance that the organization achieves its goals. Personality and job performance is an integrated model depicted well in five-factor model. I t showcases how job performance relates to personality traits. It tells about how individual differences affect the job performance of the organization (Matthews Deary, and Whiteman, 2009). It is very much important for an organization to employee high performing employees to increase overall productivity. One of the biggest questions is how to separate nonperforming employees from the other employees. The answer to this question relates to the individual personality. They both are an age old concept. The individual personality is one factor which has contributed for specialized in the personality trait. The necessity of personality test is questioned ever since it is included in the recruitment process (Burch and Anderson, 2 008).The major objective is to investigate the potential relationship in five-factor model and overall job performance. The researchers are trying to find the accurate relationship in between personality traits and their direct impact on performance. Researchers believe that personality traits are important for every kind of task (Murray, Poole and Jones, 2006). It is very much difficult to find out the central characteristic of job performance. It is due to researchers belief in different theory. There are multiple factors aligned which affect the job performance. It defines how an individual performs at a different situation and manages to conquer the difficulty. An important justification for studying personality in the workplace is that it contributes highly to the job performance and satisfaction. Job performance creates circumstances that help in facilitating personal and organizational victory (DuBrin, 2013). However, it is also generally accepted that the different concepts of performance are appropriate when conducting a job research, for decision making in the organization. Some researchers believe that the results are affected due to various external forces. It shows how carefully an individual takes actions and contributes to behaviors that are the objective of an organization. Job performance evaluates how supervisory rating aff ects the overall job performance. Is it the individual personality traits which affect the overall working in the organization? Over the last decade, researchers have reviewed the importance of personality traits as primary factors in discussing the job motivation and then performance. In a study of the different aspect of motivation, it is very much important to strive for conscientiousness. It will lead to overall improvement in the work performance. Personality traits are those variables which are essential for the improvement in an organization (Fumham, 2012). An individual who possesses the combination of the five factors model causes success at work which mainly due to how and importance to achieve goals. A person who scores high on extraversion is motivated to achieve goals .secondly personality, do affect the overall performance of an organization. Thirdly an individual, interpersonal relationship with others makes it an important reason behind success (Bailey, 2014).Job performance can be affected by the various phases which are necessary to be focused. The traditional industry has helped in understanding the role of five force model which is essential to focus while deciding the factors which are affecting the overall status of the organization regarding job performance. High neuroticism score shows high risk due to problems in psychology. A high level of neuroticism does indicate that a person may put illogical idea and is highly coping with stress. Neuroticism is a score of emotional stability. Some state that neuroticism is invers ely proportional to job performance (Rothmann and Coetzer, 2003). Extraversion includes the behavior reflecting social communication. They are vigorous and cheerful. Extraversion depicts positive feeling and experience. It is a valid forecaster of performance which involves more social interactions. A high score shows the positive relationship in between extraversion and job performance (Rothmann and Coetzer, 2003). Openness to experience includes active imagination, visual sensitivity, and attentiveness to the internal feeling, those who score very low openness which tends to show a positive image in the reserve outlook. They are willing to question the authority and are much more logical in their approach. Research has shown that openness in consulting causes long term success. Agreeableness is one who is fundamentally selfless, sensitive to others and is willing to help them, and in return expects the related kind of contribution. Agreeably is related to achieving success in occu pations where team work and customer service plays a key role (Rothmann and Coetzer, 2003). The accommodating nature of agreeable individuals may lead to achievement in employment; conscientiousness refers to self-control and a process of planning, organizing, and coordination. The conscientious person is determined, strong willed and indomitable in nature. Conscientiousness manifests in achievement direction, fidelity, and orderliness. On negative side, high conscientiousness can lead to annoying care, compulsive neatness or workaholic behavior. They both attribute a conceptual relationship. Autonomy affects the relationship in between conscientiousness and goal setting. Generally, these factors play an important role in an organization (Rothmann and Coetzer, 2003). There are five traits which are held responsible to establish the relationship in between job performance and personality. Different kind of job affects the overall job performance. Every job category has a different kind of personality traits in general. Every individual reveal different personality trait in different category of job. The best performance in future is based on the concept of extraversion. These are the factors which affect the job performance. (Hurtz and Donovan, 2000). In case of customer service conscientiousness, is the best analyst. When looking for call center employees conscientiousness emotional constancy and agreeableness are most important factors. Hence those jobs which require complicated demanding interpersonal interactions depicts complex pattern. In case of skilled and semi-skilled employees conscientiousness is the strongest predictor. (Ones et. al., 2007). In a case of professional services conscientiousness play the significant role while predicting work performance. Conscientiousness and Extraversion are associated with the leadership skills. In other words, traits help you in getting noticed. A leader play complex and perspective role. He has to play many roles to get work done. Sometimes the organization sees only one side of the coin while deciding various traits. The individual personal traits help in the overall job performances which are only due to the experience which is involved while practicing in daily routines. (Judge,, 2007). The factors responsible are the job experience, mental ability and competency to achieve better result in competitive environment. (Dalal et. al, 2012). Todays workplaces are more composite and complicated. They require sophisticated leadership due to excessive global exposures. The leader has to face the volatile challenge, which requires a different level of leadership skill to achieve an effective managerial environment, it is necessary to seek better productivity. There are other factors in an organization which affects the quality of the work performed. Task performance is related to individual ability to work. Contextual performance refers to behavior such as helping the co-workers, performing activities which will improve the overall output in an organization (Davies, et al.2013).Herzberg theory provides with a model to achieve the job satisfaction. Work environment is responsible to retrieve best results. They are given an equal opportunity in decision making and policies of the organization. (Slate, Wells, and Johnson, 2003), the adoption of a good leadership style will influence the overall working of an organization. It he lps in increasing the overall productivity. It further depicts that high level of interaction in between leaders and subordinates lead to high level of organizational commitment (Babalola, .2016). A leader whose behavior is ethical in context with the present scenario shows credibility and he does have the meaningful influence upon those who are following him.(Brown et. al.2005) Ethical leadership has a positive effect on the job performance, Given by the definition leaders demonstrates work ethics and desirable behavior and are a source of inspiration. Thus his followers follow the normatively appropriate attitude, values, and ethical behavior. As such all those followers who learn from their leaders practice things in good faith. Previous studies have shown that ethical leadership increases organizational commitment (Ahn, Lee and Yun, 2016). To have a truly effective performance, leaders need to involve employees in the managerial decision making process. An organization which has involved senior managers, executives will give a high rate of participation and a better quality performance management. So it is very much necessary to communicate to everyone about their responsibility as a part of the new management process. One needs to break the role of each member of the organization which is executives, leaders, managers, employees, and HR. A leader needs to be a passionate person and needs to be supportive to his subordinate. He should communicate the value of the organization and must involve every individual in it. As a leader, he has a responsibility to recognize and emphasize strong performance in the organization. He needs to identify and encourage improvement where needed. Performance management is a two-way process .Where it is necessary for the manager to discuss the views of his subordinate. A leader needs to u se a performance management process as a tool for supporting employees morale. If the employee lacks any interest, it is the responsibility of the leader to persuade and take ownership in the performance in the organization. A leader needs to prepare a rule book to look after the interest of the employees. He should conduct short meetings and discuss and record milestones accomplishments, successes and challenges as they occur in the organization. This allows the leader to monitor progress on goals and provide them with required instructions if needed. Leadership is a lot like parenting. As parents, love their child and want to give them everything they want. The same logic goes with managing a team. Just as parenting leadership requires more. A leader cant help people without pushing them. He has to put a burden of his expectations logically upon his subordinates. He has to push people out of their comfort zone and hold people accountable. Leadership is an act of helping people to bring out best in them. Leadership is all about stepping up and work hard no matter how difficult it seems. (Myers, 2016)A leader has to play multiple roles in an organization. He has to look forward to the interest of the subordinates. He needs to make sure that the employees feel valued and respected; he must listen to his subordinates. People might show high emotions when discussing performance; he should involve everyone in decision making process as this will improve their commitment towards work. It will create a sense of responsibility in the mind of employees (Byham and Wellins, 2015). Motivational speaker Jack Welch in his interaction with the audience has given multiple examples about the performance. He asks leaders to involve manager in decision making. It will help in overall job satisfaction and improving the overall employees yield (Byham and Wellins, 2015). Proactive personality correlates positively with subjective measures of performance on evaluating it with the leader. David Chan investigated the relationship in between proactive personality and job performance. It was measured on a proactive scale. The leader of 139 employees in rehabilitation agency rated that participating subordinates will increase the overall performance. The finding was that the people with high proactively have a good judgment (DuBrin, 2013). A positive perspective on the contribution of proactively to performance is that a top leader frequently creates situations that facilitate personal and organizational success. Effective organization is rooted from the hard work of the business leaders. The idea of effective leadership is adopted in the world of technology. The employees have believed that there is a need of leadership in the organization to set an effective example. Even employees want effective leaders in order to work towards better job performance. To be a great engager and have the capacity to deliver through all four lenses (I, You, Us, All). A manager must master five fundamental roles and able to recognize when what is needed. The manager needs to move in on the daily basis to achieve the maximum performance from the employees. Howad Schultz, Starbuck was born to a family in the Bronx. He is a live example of courage, dedication, perseverance. Even in between his success he never forgets to take forward the interest of the others (Sparrow, 2012). Personality and job performance are an age old concept which moves hand in hand. There is a positive relation in between personality and job performance. Personality traits are responsible to access maximum result in the long run. It is the duty of the leader to recognize the need for recognition in an organization which helps in overall development. It is very much necessary for a leader to have good personality traits to derive positive results. Leaders are held responsible for the overall growth of the organization. A good leader plays multiple roles and strives for a maximum result with his team support. Personality and job performance are the necessity in an organization while defining various jobs. The Leader plays a role of a parent where he has to look after the need of the subordinates. Subordinates can only work well if they work under better guidelines. Job performance helps in accurate work performance. In an era of continuous global competition, leaders play a role while achieving the goals. The leader has to play multiple roles while guiding the organization. In a long run, it is very much important for a leader to look after the organization. Leaders are the future of the country. They are responsible for the well-being of the organization. The job performance is well depicted by the five forces model. Every organization follows different behavior in general. These traits help in deciding the working model in an organization .The five forces model are based on Neuroticism, extraversion, openness, assertiveness and Conscientiousness. They define that every organization has a different set of techniques, and they show different traits in a long. It is the responsibility of the leader should persuade them to take ownership in the performance of the organization. A leader needs to prepare a rule book to look after the interest of the employees. He should conduct short meetings and discuss and record milestones accomplishments, successes, and challeng es as they occur in the organization. The leadership is multi dimensional in nature, and it plays multiple functions in an organization. Hence it is true that the job performance and personality are necessary for an organization. References Ahn, aj. 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